Friday, April 8, 2011

Technology Android

Posted by darmawan 2:44 PM, under ,,, | No comments

Android is a software platform for mobile devices that are powered by Google's OS, which was originally developed by Google after it completed by Handset Alliance. Android is an open operating system that is intended for mobile devices (mobile device). July 2005 there had been acquired by google android on 5 November 2007 and then officially released by Google's Android. In the development of android applications Android SDK provides the tools and APIs to provide application developers with flatform android. Android using Java as a language pemogramannya, so for those of you who have long played with java it never hurts to try Android.


In July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc., a small startup company based in Palo Alto, California, United States. Androiddari co-founders who went to work at Google included Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (head of interface design and development at WebTV). At that time, little is known about the functions of Android, Inc. other than those who create software for mobile phones. This began rumors that Google has plans to enter mobile phone market, although It is not clear what the function might do in the market. At Google, a team led by Rubin, developed a mobile device platform backed by Google's OS is marketed to handset makers and operators on the premise of providing a flexible, upgradeable system
Android has undergone reforms since its initial launch.

    1. Cupcake
       30 April 2009 was officially launched Cupcake with several new features:
           o The ability to record and play video in camcorder mode
           o Upload videos to Youtube and photos directly from mobile phones to Picasa
           o soft key keyboard with features "autocomplete"
           o Ability direct connection to Bluetooth headset
           o widget and a new folder
           o Animation
           o The ability to copy-paste repair

    2. Doughnut
       15 September 2009, Doughnut (Donut) was launched:
           o Android Market update
           o Interface cameras, camcorders, and an integrated gallery
           o Elimination of photos in the gallery can be done in multiple (many files)
           o Voice Search updated with faster response and better integration with the ability to call contacts
           o improved search features for bookmarks, history, contacts, and web directly from the standby display
           o Renewal of technology support CDMA / EVDO, 802.1x VPN, Gesture, and Text-to-speech
           o The speed improved in the quest

    3. Eclair
       October 26, 2009
                 + The speed of hardware repair
                 + New application "Car Home"
                 + Support the resolution and screen size are developed
                 + interface new browser
                 + List of new contacts
                 + The ratio of black-and-white for better background
                 + Google Maps 3.1.2
                 + Microsoft Exchange Support
                 + Support for camera flash
                 + Digital zoom
                 + Virtual keyboard repaired
                 Bluetooth 2.1 +

The first devices running Android operating system and widely marketed is the HTC Dream which was released on October 22, 2008. By the end of 2009 will certainly circulate about 18 phone using Android.

Documentation for Developers BlackBerry

Posted by darmawan 2:19 PM, under ,, | No comments

BlackBerry® was the number one selling smartphone brand in the United States at the end of calendar 2009.1 Imagine having this kind of reach and developing apps that can push immediate updates to your users. These are just some of the benefits of creating applications for BlackBerry® smartphones.

Create Applications for a Smartphone Leader

Develop for the BlackBerry Application Platform and get access to a large and growing market of both business and personal users. The BlackBerry smartphone has a 55% market share in North America and millions of customers all over the world.

With the introduction of the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, BlackBerry smartphone users can now easily search for and download apps that let them do even more with their smartphones.

The addictiveness of BlackBerry smartphone applications comes from their ability to provide instant information to users and integrate with core BlackBerry applications like email and the address book.

Create compelling applications that push data to users such as the latest sports scores, weather updates, price changes for sales people and much more.

Find sample applications and code, API documentation, and development guides and guidelines to help you create and distribute apps or themes for BlackBerry smartphones.
Post from

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Posted by darmawan 2:02 PM, under | No comments

The characteristics of the virus shortcut:

First of all, after infecting a computer, he will create a master file in My Documents database.mdb

The second is the virus will create a autorun.inf file on each hard disk drives, flash disks, and folders without exception.

The third is that he will make Thumb.db file (be careful, be aware that these files without an s, while the thumbnail of the original cache in the computer has an additional letter alias thumbs.db s) in each folder

To lure the victim, he will create a file Microsoft.lnk and New Harry Potter and .... lnk in each folder which if exercised will immediately activate the virus.

As with other local viruses, he will make a duplicate of each folder but this time not with the extension. exe but the extension. Ink alias shortcut.

In task manager there are processes that are running wscript.exe services. Under normal conditions, there is no process like this.

The steps to remove viruses shortcut:
  1. Turn off System Restore. Since I used to always turn off system restore windows immediately after the installation process. For backup and imaging systems, I prefer using a third party such as Acronis or Norton Ghost (read and dowload: Norton Ghost (2010) Full Crack Serial)
  2. Turn off the virus wsrcipt.exe (C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ wscript.exe)  Can use Process Explorer or misc. tool in HijackThis (read and download: HijackThis 2.0.2).
  3. Delete files in My Documents database.mdb virus ..
  4. Remove duplicate files virus .. 
For the removal process, you can use the search facility in Windows .. In the "More advanced options", make sure the option "Search system folders" and "Search hidden files and folders" both checked.
Search by name autorun.inf file size 8 KB

Search files by name Thumb.db size 8 KB

Search files with the extension. Lnk.lnk size 1 KB

Delete all files found ..

To further facilitate the search process as well as deleting a file is found, you can use UTool software, a freeware which you can download for free. This program will automatically find and then delete the files you want (see picture).

5. Remove Autorun registry created a virus using HijackThis ..

Search in the HKCU \ .. \ Run: database.mdb related files (in the picture but I've database.mdb file delete)


To further solidified the prevention process and protect our computers from virus attacks locally very confusing, you can do the following things:
  1. After the installation of windows, immediately turn off system restore.
  2. Install third party software such as Tweak UI or Magic Tweak to disable autorun and prevent teraktivasinya files. Inf. Maybe in Windows XP Professional, disable autorun process can be done easily, but on the version of Win XP Home, you need this software. Additional information, program MagicTweak besides autorn disable function can also be used to prevent executable files. Inf file autorun.inf which usually is the beginning of the outbreak of the virus will be automatically converted into pure alias notepad txt file by this program and he is no longer can be executed. This is very helpful if we inadvertently activate or execute autorun.inf autorun is disabled even though the process for all drives (including flash disk).
  3. After all the installation windows, drivers, programs, and others have done, immediately back up your system image using software like Acronis True Image or Norton Ghost, so that if later there is a problem you could not accomplish with ease, you can merestoreasi backup system them.
  4. If necessary, install Deep Freeze also if your computer is used by many people, so that the computer settings will not be changing.
  5. Update info: The characteristics of the virus presence of virus shortcut on flash can be identified by differences in the flash icon is usually shaped like an icon for the drive to be changed as a folder icon. If you see this icon, it means there is a virus in a flash. Use explorer and open the flash through the explorer (do not click 2x from my computer) and delete the autorun file and file2 suspect other viruses manually by pressing shift + DEL (so as not to get caught in the recycle bin). Average local virus can be prevented by means such manual provided OPTION DISABLE autorun on Windows and / or MagicTweak has been activated, and also OPTION DISABLE. INF FILE on MagicTweak has been activated.
Well, it might be a little tips on how to remove viruses smoga shortcut and remove viruses your computer after the shortcut to be free from viruses deh shortcut.


Posted by darmawan 1:54 PM, under | No comments

Here are 8 practical steps to kick the virus is able to change the folder that is in the USB flash disk into the shortcut:
  1. Disable 'System Restore' for a while during the cleaning process.
  2. Decide who will clean your computer from the network.
  3. Turn off the virus active in memory by using the tools 'Ice Sword'. Once the tools are installed, select the file that has the icon 'Microsoft Visual Basic Project' and click 'Terminate Process'. Please download these tools at
  4. Delete the registry that has been created by the virus by:
  • Click the [Start]
  • Click [Run]
  • Type Regedit.exe, and click the [OK]
  • In the Registry Editor application, browse the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run]
  • Then delete the key that has the data [C: \ Documents and Settings \% username%].
     5. Disable the autoplay / autorun Windows. Copy the script below in notepad and then save it as repair.inf, install the files in the following manner: Right-click repair.inf -> INSTALL








HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″”

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255

6. Delete Files parent and duplicate files are created by the virus included in the flash disk. To expedite the search process, you can use the 'Search'. Before conducting the search should show all hidden files by changing the Folder Options settings.

Do not let an error occurs when deleting a master file and duplicate files that have been created by the virus. Then delete the master files that have virus characteristics:

-. Icon 'Microsoft Visual Basic Project'.
-. File Size 128 KB (for other variants will have varying sizes).
-. Ekstesi file '. EXE' or '. SCR'.
-. File type 'Application' or 'Screen Saver'.

Then delete the duplicate shortcut files that have the characteristics:

>. Folder Icon or icons
>. Extension. LNK
>. File Type 'Shortcut'
>. 1 KB file size

Delete the file. DLL (example: ert.dll) and Autorun.inf file on flash disk or a shared folder. Meanwhile, to avoid the virus is active again, delete the master file that has an EXE or SCR extensions first and then remove Shortcut file (. LNK).

7. Show re-folders have been hidden by the virus. To speed up the process, please download the tools Unhide Files and Folders in

Once installed, select the directory [C: \ Documents and Settings] and folders that exist on the flash disk by moving into fields that are already available. In the [Attributes] clear all the options, then click the [Change Attributes].

8. Install security patches 'Microsoft Windows Shell shortcut handling remote code execution vulnerability, MS10-046'. Please download the security patch at

As usual, for an optimal cleaning and Prevent re-infection, should install and scan with antivirus software up-to-date and was able to detect this virus very well.


Computer Virus Transmission characteristics Ramnit

Posted by darmawan 1:43 PM, under | No comments

Although relatively new, but the virus spreads very fast Ramnit. Here are the characteristics of the virus infected computer
  1. The virus will make your Internet Explorer browser displays a page containing advertising deals, games, and sometimes pornographic image around in large numbers continuously for internet connected computer.
  2. Further symptoms are, removable media icons turn into a folder icon. After that users can not access the flash with a warning Access is denied. And finally there are also messages Compressed (zipped) Folders when clicking on the drive.
  3. It comes a lot of files with the file name 'Copy of Shortcut to (1). lnk' s / d 'Copy of Shortcut to (4). lnk' in the flash user. This file is used by the virus to reproduce itself when a user executed.
  4. One of the unique and very easy to make this virus is active and difficult to eradicate is that every time a user right-clicks. Besides displaying the right click menu, indirectly computer users also have been running this virus.
In addition to these characteristics, note also that Ramnit also has a master file that has been prepared in directory [% USB Flash%: \ RECYCLER \% nama_acak%. exe].

This virus will also infect files with extension exe, and any exe files that are infected will have 107KB size larger than initially. Also Ramnit will duplicate the file in the same folder.

Eradicate tips Ramnit of Computer Viruses

Posted by darmawan 1:33 PM, under | No comments

Ramnit - Although relatively new, but the rapid spread of the virus Ramnit indeed. In fact, because of sophistication that is able to download other viruses, malicious programs are classified as one of the trojan that difficult to eradicate.

after knowing its properties, here are the steps to remove viruses delivered Ramnit Alfons Tanujaya, antivirus analysts Vaksincom, Because infected files ending in exe, dll, and html, then cleaning should be done in DOS mode. To facilitate cleaning please use the Windows Live CD Mini PE, then downlad free tools Dr.Web CureIt!

To be optimal, we encourage all media including hardsisk and flash is scanned first. This is because Ramnit will put some storage
Before doing the cleaning block viral Should duplicate files by using the feature 'Software Restriction Policies'. This feature is only there on the operating system Windows XP Pro, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and Server 2008.

Connect an external flash or any hardsik to the computer. Then download the application free Dr Web Live CD at the following sites. After it was over done, the user can continue the following steps.
  1. After a successful software Dr.Web LiveCD download, burn into CD / DVD
  2. Connect the flash and external to the computer hardsisk
  3. Booting the computer through a CD / DVD ROM
  4. This will bring up the screen 'Welcome to Dr.Web LiveCD
  5. Select 'Dr.Web LiveCD (Default)' and press 'Enter' key on your keyboard
  6. Wait a few moments to appear Dr.Web LiveCD interface that will display the applications 'Dr.Web Scanner'automatically. Dr.Web Scanner is working to examine your computer from possible virus
  7. To scan the hard disk, on screen 'Dr.Web Scanner' select location of the drive to be in check and make sure you check list option 'Scan subdirectories' for Dr.Web can conduct examination on the directories and subdirectories for optimal cleaning. If the screen does not appear Dr.Web Scanner double click the icon 'Dr.Web Scanner' found on the Desktop.
  8. Then click the [Start] to begin the examination process
  9. Wait a while until the scan is completed. If you find any viruses, Dr.Web will inform the infected file and the type of virus that infects the virus information is available column.
  10. Click the [Select All] to select all the objects / files to be in the clear or you can specify which files would you clean it with a check list on the options available
  11. then click the [Cure] to clean up files that have been infected with a virus
  12. Wait until the cleaning process is completed
  13. Scan the computer to ensure clean computer from virus
  14. Restart the computer.